
 Create MODFLOW Linkage Shape File 

On the MODFLOW Link screen, click the "Choose shape file that has MODFLOW linkage information" button. On the next window, for "Background Shape File with MODFLOW Linkage Information," choose "< Create New Shape File >". The following window will appear:

WEAP automatically fills in the number of rows and columns, and the row height and column width, which it read from the MODFLOW discretization file (.DIS). However, the MODFLOW model does not contain information about the X,Y position (latitude and longitude) or the rotation angle of the cells. Therefore, you will need to enter this information yourself.

If you know the values for latitude, longitude and rotation, you can enter the numbers directly. If you do not know the values, you can click on the map to set the origin (lower left corner). You will see a purple box on the map that indicates the area of all the cells. As long as you hold down the left mouse key, the purple box will move with the mouse; release when the box is correctly positioned. You can zoom in on the map (using the zoom slider below the inset map on the left, the mouse wheel, or control-click and drag on the map) to help achieve greater precision in placement of the area.

The File Name box contains the filename for the new shape file. Either use the default filename ("MODFLOW Linkage.shp") or enter another name. Shape files always have a .shp extension. Click the Create button to create it.

After the shape file has been created, WEAP will display it and allow you to customize its appearance on the schematic. You will also need to fill in values in the shape file's attribute table for each linked cell--see "Filling in Attribute Table to Link MODFLOW Cells to WEAP Elements" above for information.  After customizing its appearance and possibly editing the attribute table, click the OK button. WEAP will add this layer to your Schematic and return you to the "Choose shape file that has MODFLOW linkage information " window.

Tip: Using information from the MODFLOW Basic (BAS) package, WEAP will create columns in the attribute table for each layer in the MODFLOW model, indicating which cells are active, inactive or have constant head.  The column names are Is_Active<N>, where <N> is the layer number (e.g., Is_Active1, Is_Active2).  Active cells are marked with "A," constant head cells are marked with "CH," and inactive cells are blank.  You can choose one of these columns to display as the label on the Schematic View to get a quick idea of the MODFLOW model.  Note: WEAP can also display the cell types for each cell in the Results View (W=Well, R=Recharge, D=Drain, V=River, H=Constant Head, F=Flooded, dry=Dry Cells).