Subject: Escenario climáticos en WEAP Posted: 10/6/2018 Viewed: 9203 times
Good evening, I would like to know if anyone knows a methodology to make projections with climatic scenarios using WEAP. Thank you
Ms. Anne Hereford
Subject: Re: Escenario climáticos en WEAP Posted: 3/14/2019 Viewed: 8892 times
Dear Mayra,
You can enter climate projections as climate data for your catchments in WEAP. First, create a scenario that covers the years you wish to model. Depending on the method (which you can select in the Advanced tab for each catchment), you will be able to enter more or fewer types of Climate data--Precipitation, Temperature, Humidity, Wind speed, etc.
See the WEAP forum post "Future CLimate Data" from May 2018 for possible sources of climate projection data.
Kind regards,