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All Topics | Topic "GW-SW interaction"
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Eng. Haya Mando

Subject: GW-SW interaction   
Posted: 8/25/2024 Viewed: 701 times
I am a bit confused on the groundwater interactions in soil Moisture method. depending on the data available i am select specify the GW-SW method to simulate this interaction and i am created catchment nodes with infiltration links to the groundwater node, My question is, should I enter the natural recharge value or it is calculated by the SSM method.

Is it possible to help me? please!
Mr. Doug Chalmers

Subject: Re: GW-SW interaction   
Posted: 8/26/2024 Viewed: 690 times
Hello Haya,

In this case, your recharge would already be covered by modeling GW-SW connections. You would not need to enter a natural recharge value.

The natural recharge value is used to represent recharge when you are not modeling GW-SW connections, or to represent recharge that may occur in addition to or from a source other than the groundwater node you are modeling the connection with.

Hope this helps!
Eng. Haya Mando

Subject: No subject   
Posted: 8/27/2024 Viewed: 678 times
Thank you for your quick response,can i am please my question explain better
I select specify GW-SW flows but i do not have values about input under the "Groundwater Inflow" and "Groundwater Outflow" tabs in the Inflows and Outflows section for that river or reach, in this case should i select method "Have WEAP model these interactions (deep soil layer of Soil Moisture method catchment)" neither than specify GW-SW flows and connect the groundwater node with catchment only.
Am in these case expressing interactions between surface and groundwater?

Mr. Doug Chalmers

Subject: Re: No subject   
Posted: 8/27/2024 Viewed: 654 times

I believe I understand-

The infiltration and runoff links between your catchment and your river and groundwater represent the inflow to your river and groundwater from the catchment.

These are distinct from model GW-SW connections, which represent the flow between your river and groundwater (which does not directly involve the catchment). Another way to say this is that the runoff/infiltration links from your catchment represent the inflow of water entering your water supply objects, while the GW-SW interactions represent the movement of water between your groundwater and surface water objects. You may use either method of specify flows of model flows- the catchment is not directly involved in this.

Topic "GW-SW interaction"