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All Topics | Topic "priority for demand of each month"
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Mrs. Hani Sharifi Moghadam

Subject: priority for demand of each month   
Posted: 12/9/2024 Viewed: 1242 times
Is it possible to define a separate priority for demand of each month??
That is, if in the first month priority 1 is urban water and 2 is agriculture, will it be different in the second month and other months?
Mr. Doug Chalmers

Subject: Re: priority for demand of each month   
Posted: 12/9/2024 Viewed: 1225 times
Dear Hani,

Yes, you can set a demand priority which changes with the month. Please navigate to your demand node in the Data tree, then go to the parameter tab for Priority. From here, you can use Monthly Time-Series Wizard to define a priority in each month, or you can use the Expression Builder to define the priority in a number of ways, also including month.

For your information, some other alternatives would be to use a separate demand node for your different uses, such as urban and agriculture. You may find the model inputs and the results clearer this way. You may also create different sub-branches for each use within your demand node by right clicking on it within the Data tree --> "Add". Then, you can define a different supply preference for each sub-branch (but not a different priority).

Hope this helps!
Topic "priority for demand of each month"