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All Topics | Topic "Ensuring Actual Flow Equals Maximum Flow in Transmission Links in WEAP"
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Mr. Mohammadreza Khandandel

Subject: Ensuring Actual Flow Equals Maximum Flow in Transmission Links in WEAP   
Posted: 12/13/2024 Viewed: 1231 times
I am working on a WEAP model where I am using transmission links to simulate water transfers. I have actual monthly transfer data for these links, but in WEAP, it seems that these transfers are treated as "maximum" possible flows. For some months, the model has been estimating transfers that are less than the values I have defined.

Is there an option in WEAP to define these flows as "actual" transfers rather than "maximum" transfers? If not, what steps can I take to ensure that the actual flow always matches the specified maximum flow for all months?

I would appreciate any guidance or tips on how to resolve this issue.

Thank you!
Mr. Doug Chalmers

Subject: Re: Ensuring Actual Flow Equals Maximum Flow in Transmission Links in WEAP   
Posted: 12/13/2024 Viewed: 1221 times

Maximum flow volume on transmission links defines the maximum amount that may flow through the link. However, if the demand does not require this full volume, then less may flow through the link.

Instead, you may want to use a diversion object with a minimum flow requirement object on it, and set the minimum flow requirement to the amount you want to flow through. From here, you can connect a transmission link from the diversion to your demand node.

You may also consider changing the demand on your demand node so that the full volume is required as demand. For example, you could set your demand as the sum of the maximum flow volumes of the transmission links.

Hope this helps!
Topic "Ensuring Actual Flow Equals Maximum Flow in Transmission Links in WEAP"