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All Topics | Topic "tutorial 04.3-WEAP in one hour"
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Ms. Soukaina Sirate

Subject: tutorial 04.3-WEAP in one hour   
Posted: 12/15/2024 Viewed: 862 times
I am following the steps in WEAP tutorial video on youtube and in tutorial 04.3-WEAP in one hour, I wanted to run to get the result but I had this error message : expression result is more than maximum of 100. the value was 136.
could someone know what is the problem exactly, although I followed all the steps exactly?
Mr. Doug Chalmers

Subject: Re: tutorial 04.3-WEAP in one hour   
Posted: 12/16/2024 Viewed: 854 times

What parameter gives you this error message- is it the monthly variation? Is it possible that you have entered the data meant to be entered as the headflow? (Jan = 12, Feb = 7, Jun = 136 etc.) Because, I see that there is a 136 number in there.

In general, for monthly variation, if you click on "renormalize", it will scale down your entries back to 100.

Hope this helps!
Ms. Soukaina Sirate

Subject: Re: tutorial 04.3-WEAP in one hour   
Posted: 12/17/2024 Viewed: 843 times
hello Doug,
I have tried with monthly value I had that message error of 136 and also I have tried with readfromfile with monthly time series and I had the same message but it said that expression result is more than maximum of 100. the value was 114,186
Mr. Doug Chalmers

Subject: Re: tutorial 04.3-WEAP in one hour   
Posted: 12/17/2024 Viewed: 836 times

Could you please confirm if you are looking at monthly variation, or a different variable?

If you are looking at monthly variation, please enter the following expression into expression builder:

MonthlyValues( Jan, 0, Feb, 0, Mar, 0, Apr, 5, May, 10, Jun, 10, Jul, 20, Aug, 30, Sep, 25, Oct, 0, Nov, 0, Dec, 0 )

Topic "tutorial 04.3-WEAP in one hour"