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All Topics | Topic "water demand under climate scenarios"
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Ms. Humaira Abid

Subject: water demand under climate scenarios   
Posted: 12/31/2024 Viewed: 966 times
How to link RCP data to see water demand? do we have to link rcp data with population and growth rate using expression builder? I can't understand how to see water demand under RCPs, please guide
Mr. Doug Chalmers

Subject: Re: water demand under climate scenarios   
Posted: 1/6/2025 Viewed: 717 times

In order to link the RCP future climate projection data to changes in water demand, your demands will have to be based on climate inputs. This would be achieved by modeling irrigation within a catchment object. Here, you can change your catchment expressions for precipitation and temperature to the RCP data to change the irrigation requirement.

If you set up your catchments using the automatic catchment delineation mode, you can modify the climate used within the catchment delineation mode setting to the CMIP5 and CMIP6 future projection data and download the climate data for your catchment areas. These climate files can then be referenced by your irrigation catchment nodes as mentioned above.

Hope this helps!

Topic "water demand under climate scenarios"