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All Topics | Topic "Assessing impact of climate change on water supply resources"
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Miss Jessica Mkpanam

Subject: Assessing impact of climate change on water supply resources   
Posted: 1/18/2025 Viewed: 900 times
I'm very new to the WEAP software and I'm grateful for all the resources out there to guide new users
However, I've been trying to get results for climate related changes on water supply parameters.
In my Schematic, I have a single river, a catchment node, its runoff/infiltration link and a streamflow gauge. My time step is set to 2006-2050
I've put in yearly data from 2006-2022 for the streamflow as well as monthly data for temperature and precipitation for 2006-2022 but set to cycle.

I ran the model but I'm not getting any results.
Please help
Mr. Doug Chalmers

Subject: Re: Assessing impact of climate change on water supply resources   
Posted: 1/21/2025 Viewed: 883 times

On which model nodes (ie. the catchment node, the streamflow gauge node) under which parameter did you enter the streamflow, temperature, and precipitation?

It is possible you only entered the streamflow for the streamflow gauge, which would only change the observed flow and not the modeled. If you are using a catchment to model streamflow, then look at the catchment results for runoff to see the modeled flow entering your river.

Hope this helps!
Miss Jessica Mkpanam

Subject: Re: Assessing impact of climate change on water supply resources   
Posted: 1/22/2025 Viewed: 357 times
Thank you so much
This definitely helped!

I've faced another hiccup though
I'm trying to create a scenario where I increase the annual mean temperature by 2.5 degreesC and precipitation sum by 10%
The temperature data in my catchment is currently a key assumption reading from a monthly time series readfromfile wizard data

How can I go about this sir?
Am I to use the expression builder or is there another alternative. How can I go about either option

Mr. Doug Chalmers

Subject: Re: Assessing impact of climate change on water supply resources   
Posted: 2/5/2025 Viewed: 340 times

Using Expression Builder, you could enter: Temperature = 2.5 + ReadFromFile.... And Precipitation = 1.1 * ReadFromFile...

Alternatively, you can enter a Key Expression for Temperature Increase and Precipitation Increase and then multiply those by the ReadFromFile in the Expression Builder instead.

Hope this helps!
Topic "Assessing impact of climate change on water supply resources"