Subject: Calibration observation data changed when it's running Posted: 2/4/2025 Viewed: 476 times
I calibrated observation and simulation discharge data. but my observation debit actually changed and did not match the data entry in the observation debit. Can you explain what my error was and the solution?
Mr. Doug Chalmers
Subject: Re: Calibration observation data changed when it's running Posted: 2/5/2025 Viewed: 468 times
I would first check two things. First, are the units for the streamflow gauge under the Data Tree the same units as your input data? Second, what are you settings in the ReadFromFile Wizard? Something may have gotten off related to the start year that the data is first read in, or around translating data from a different input timestep to modeled timestep (daily vs. monthly, etc.).
Hope this helps!
Topic "Calibration observation data changed when it's running"