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Dr. Hosein Alizadeh

Subject: Grounwater   
Posted: 2/6/2006 Viewed: 35074 times
Grounwater Hosein Alizadeh hoseyn_a <a href="mailto:hoseyn_a@yahoo.com">hoseyn_a@yahoo.com</a>Dear WEAP users,

Which aquifers must be noticed in a WEAP model?
1.All of aquifers which have interaction with rivers.
2.All of aquifers which have interaction with sub-catchments(SCs).
3.All of aquifers which have interaction with demand sites(DSs).
All of aquifers have interaction with SCs, but only some of them interact with DSs and some have interaction with rivers.
In some WEAP models I see that the users only noticed to aquifers which interact with rivers and didn't introduce the other. but I think it is wrong because we need to model the interaction between aquifers and SCs and DSs too.
Mr. Mohamedou BABA SY

Subject: Re: Grounwater   
Posted: 3/13/2006 Viewed: 35062 times
Re: Grounwater Mohamedou BABA SY laminebabasy <a href="mailto:lamine.babasy@oss.org.tn">lamine.babasy@oss.org.tn</a>Dear,

I think that all aquifers can be noticed in a WEAP model. The exemple of Niger river basin presents these three situations.
1. interaction with river is simple.
2. For the interaction with sub-catchments(SCs), we need the sub-catchment balance (infiltration, evaporation...).
3. For the interaction with demand sites(DSs), there are four aquifers. I think that the best way to proceed is to specify all demad sites related to every aquifer and to consider them separately.
So the issue here is to do the surface water - groundwater modeling. Is it possible to consider four levels aquifers in order to determine their interaction with the river and with the demad sites ?

Baba Sy
Dr. Mehdi Mirzaee

Subject: Grounwater   
Posted: 5/14/2006 Viewed: 34931 times
Grounwater Mehdi Mirzaee MMirzaee <a href="mailto:M.Mirzaee@wri.ac.ir">M.Mirzaee@wri.ac.ir</a>Dear Alizadeh

Your answer is all of them.
I mean you can connect a demans site in both direct (supply and return flow) to an aquifer and make connection between surface water and groundwater, and finally sub catchments.
It's a just some kind of supplying and using water in a local site. a really simple mass balance.

be success
Topic "Grounwater"