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Subject: how can i learn weap programme ??   
Posted: 11/8/2007 Viewed: 56024 times
how can i learn weap programme ?? jehad khalaf jehad21 <a href="mailto:gehad_kh@hotmail.com">gehad_kh@hotmail.com</a>dear all

any one have lectures notes ,

please send it to me

Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: RE: how can i learn weap programme ??   
Posted: 11/9/2007 Viewed: 55747 times
RE: how can i learn weap programme ?? Jack Sieber jsieber <a href="mailto:jack.sieber@sei-us.org">jack.sieber@sei-us.org</a>
The best way to start learning WEAP is to work through the exercises in
the WEAP Tutorial: http://www.weap21.org/Tutorial The Tutorial begins
at a very basic level of creating a simple model in WEAP, and progresses
to more advanced topics such as scenario creation, demand modeling,
reservoir operations and hydropower, water quality, and hydrology. I am
working now on a chapter for linking WEAP to MODFLOW, and will announce
it here when it is ready. We have versions in English, Spanish and
Chinese, and a Thai version coming soon. (Please let me know if you
would like to volunteer to translate it into another language)

Best regards,

syed aamir hameed

Subject: RE: how can i learn weap programme ??   
Posted: 11/10/2007 Viewed: 55519 times
RE: how can i learn weap programme ?? syed aamir hameed aamirsan <a href="mailto:aamirsan@hotmail.com">aamirsan@hotmail.com</a>Hi I am looking for the same, that is to learn how to use the WEAP program
properly, all help. advise etc is welcome.

Best regards to all.


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Dr. Marisa Escobar

Subject: difference between share and saturation   
Posted: 11/21/2007 Viewed: 55240 times
difference between share and saturation Marisa Escobar marisaescobar <a href="mailto:marisa.escobar@sei-us.org">marisa.escobar@sei-us.org</a>Hello,

I am working with the Republica Dominicana team in their national water plan, and we would like to know the difference between share and saturation when entering the different soil use types in demand sites and catchments.


Marisa Escobar
Mr. Reuben Nyaoke Dienya

Subject: How to use the WEAP program   
Posted: 11/22/2007 Viewed: 55020 times
How to use the WEAP program Reuben Nyaoke Dienya Reuben_Shem <a href="mailto:rdienya@yahoo.com">rdienya@yahoo.com</a>The simplest advice to Aamir is to take his time and thoroughly study the WEAP User Guide and WEAP Tutorial and to also read the various WEAP related publications.

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Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: RE: difference between share and saturation   
Posted: 11/26/2007 Viewed: 54894 times
RE: difference between share and saturation Jack Sieber jsieber <a href="mailto:jack.sieber@sei-us.org">jack.sieber@sei-us.org</a>Both saturations and shares are a type of unit that can be used to
specify an activity level. Typically you specify some absolute activity
(e.g. number of households) at a higher level and then use a saturation
or a share at a lower level. Both are always percentage values.

Use shares when you have more than one branch and you want the total
across the branches to sum to 100%. For example if you have 2 branches
for urban and rural households, use a share because the total share
across these must sum to 100%. Similarly, with soil or land use types
within a catchment, you would use shares not saturation. Another case
is if you have more than one technology, such as sprinkler or drip
irrigation, and the technology are perfect substitutes (i.e. only one
can be used in any situation) then use a share. In Weaping River Basin,
see the Activity Level for South City single and multi family, or the
Activity level for Sprinkler and Floor Irrigation in Agriculture North.

Use saturations to represent market penetrations, such as the fraction
of households that have a washing machine. (See South City\Single
Family\Showers, Toilets, Washing and Other) It does not make sense to
sum saturations across branches, although the saturation for one branch
can never exceed 100%.

NB: You should not mix saturation and share in immediately neighboring

Topic "how can i learn weap programme ??"