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Mr. Marco Vieira

Subject: Shapefiles and WEAP   
Posted: 4/11/2008 Viewed: 39345 times
Shapefiles and WEAP Good day to you all

I was wondering if anybody has had any issues with introducing shapefiles from Arc into WEAP? I have struggled for a fair while, and although I can visualise the preview when I add the vector layer I cant find it in my schematic at all. It's a long shot but perhaps someone can help me out?


Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: Shapefiles and WEAP   
Posted: 4/12/2008 Viewed: 39333 times
Re: Shapefiles and WEAP Jack Sieber jsieber <a href="mailto:jack.sieber@sei-us.org">jack.sieber@sei-us.org</a>My guess is that the shapefile you added has a different "projection" from other layers already loaded. WEAP is not able to re-project the layers, so all your layers need to have the same projection.

The layers in a new, blank WEAP area--Countries and River--are both "unprojected," WGS1984.

If you want to use your layers from another projection, add one of them, then remove the Countries and Rivers layers (and any others from a different projection), then go to Set Area Boundaries and find the layer you added and set the area boundary to include it.

Mr. Rolando Benitez

Subject: Re: Shapefiles and WEAP   
Posted: 9/11/2010 Viewed: 37029 times

> Re: Shapefiles and WEAP Jack Sieber jsieber jack.sieber@sei-us.org> My guess is that the shapefile you added has a different "projection" from other layers already loaded. WEAP is not able to re-project the layers, so all your layers need to have the same projection.
> >
> > The layers in a new, blank WEAP area--Countries and River--are both "unprojected," WGS1984.
> >
> > If you want to use your layers from another projection, add one of them, then remove the Countries and Rivers layers (and any others from a different projection), then go to Set Area Boundaries and find the layer you added and set the area boundary to include it.
> >
> > Jack

I had the this problem and removing the Countries layer solved it. Thanks.
Topic "Shapefiles and WEAP"