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All Topics | Topic "Pollution concentration modeling"
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Subject: Pollution concentration modeling   
Posted: 4/4/2003 Viewed: 37896 times
Pollution concentration modeling guest guest guest <a href="mailto:jrosenblum@tellus.org">jrosenblum@tellus.org</a>Right now WEAP-21 does not model pollution concentrations in supplies. I note your reply to this as it would be done by attaching another concentration modeling software to WEAP. Here it would be worthwhile if the new attachment also creates additional functions like AUTOMATICALLY restricting water supply to different uses (domestic, irrigation and industry) if pollution concentration is above certain prescribed limits. These limits are different for different uses. Can you inform if this modification in software is possible.
Deleted User

Subject: Pollution concentration modeling   
Posted: 6/24/2003 Viewed: 37836 times
Pollution concentration modeling Jack Sieber jsieber <a href="mailto:jsieber@tellus.org">jsieber@tellus.org</a>As a partial solution, you could run WEAP to get the pollution loadings into the Palar.  Then run your water quality model (such as QUAL2) to get concentrations.  You would then read the concentration results into WEAP (into key assumptions for each withdrawal point on the river) and use them to limit river withdrawals based on water quality.  To make this limit, go to the Linking Demands and Supplies section, and enter an expression for Maximum Flow: % of Demand--something like:  IF(GreaterThan( \Key Assumptions\Water Quality\Palar\Withdrawal, criteria), 10, 100)   This would turn off the link if the water quality exceeded some criteria.  If the demand site could mix water from multiple sources, you could set the limit to values between 0 and 100% depending on how bad it was.
Topic "Pollution concentration modeling"