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All Topics | Topic "How to create climate change scenarios with the PRECIS model?"
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Mr. edison vizñay

Subject: How to create climate change scenarios with the PRECIS model?   
Posted: 7/9/2009 Viewed: 48812 times
Hello everybody, I'm Edisson, I need to know how to create climate change scenarios in WEAP, what data should be aware of the PRECIS model and placing them in the WEAP program for further evaluation, since our last part of the thesis "Evaluation of Climate Change in the Upper River Paute."
Please if anyone knows would appreciate any information available to them, examples or anything...
Thanks ...

Sebastian Vicuna

Subject: Re: How to create climate change scenarios with the PRECIS model?   
Posted: 7/10/2009 Viewed: 48806 times
Edisson, I worked also developing a WEAP Paute River Model. Who are you working with? My email is svicuna@berkeley.edu. I can help you on your need. We recently prepared a guide for WEAP models development in Southamerica and we included a discussion on how to create climate change scenarios.

Sebastian Vicuna
Dr. Thomas E Downing

Subject: Re: How to create climate change scenarios with the PRECIS model?   
Posted: 7/11/2009 Viewed: 48774 times
We are working on the next version of weADAPT.org which will expand the range of climate scenarios that are available, from downscaled AR4 GCMs to the station level to access global spatial scenarios.

An idea we have been exploring is to create a download format that would link directly into WEAP. Is anyone working on this sort of utility? Any interest in working with the weADAPT portal? We don't have funds for this but would be keen to see easier access through the WEAP community.

All the best,

Dr. Mohammad Rayej

Subject: Re: How to create climate change scenarios with the PRECIS model?   
Posted: 7/13/2009 Viewed: 48765 times
We, in California Water Plan, are using WEAP to look at the Climate Scenarios impacts on water supply and demand. I have downloaded the downscaled monthly climate data and read them into WEAP. We are evaluating the impacts of 12 climate scenarios using monthly time steps all the way to our planning horizon which is year 2050. I have writen scripts so the model steps through climate scenario data file when
a particular scenario is done.

good luck; Mohammad Rayej
Robert Burgholzer

Subject: Re: How to create climate change scenarios with the PRECIS model?   
Posted: 7/15/2009 Viewed: 48742 times
One method that may be fairly easy, if you have latitudes and longitudes
for the data would be to publish it as a WFS (Web Feature Service) which
is a OpenGIS Consortium standard for exchanging GIS data with XML. This
format is supported by all the big commercial and open source GIS

The open source project, Mapserver (mapserver.gis.umn.edu) can create a
WFS service quite easily from a properly formatted data set.

I am looking at doing some similar things, and would be interested in
collaborating on this. I think that the availability of this data in a
web accessible format would be tremendous.

Let me know,

Robert W. Burgholzer
Surface Water Modeler
Office of Water Supply and Planning
Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
Mr. C. Prakash Khedun

Subject: Re: How to create climate change scenarios with the PRECIS model?   
Posted: 7/21/2009 Viewed: 48697 times
Hi Mohammad Rayej

Can you please give more details on the climate scenarios you mentioned in you post.

- What is your source for the monthly climate data.
- Which downscaling routine have you adopted and what is the original resolution and final resolution, after downscaling, of the dataset.
- What are the variables that the data contain.
- How did you decide which climate model output to use, given that there are several models out there and also there are the ensemble outputs.
How do you decide which one is the most reliable, or most realistic for the area you are working on.

Thanking you
Topic "How to create climate change scenarios with the PRECIS model?"