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All Topics | Topic "Tranmission link from wwtp not supplyin demand site"
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Mr. Mogamat Fadiel Ahjum

Subject: Tranmission link from wwtp not supplyin demand site   
Posted: 6/27/2012 Viewed: 25460 times

I have transmission link from a wwtp to a demand site but WEAP does not route any water to the site. Instead, the site has unmet demands and all the inflows to the wwtp flows through the return link instead.

I've checked the usual parameters such as site-consumption and I can't see why WEAP is not supplying the demand site to meet demand.

Thanks in advance,
Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: Tranmission link from wwtp not supplyin demand site   
Posted: 6/27/2012 Viewed: 25450 times
If Demand Site B is receiving treated wastewater from a wastewater treatment plant (which got wastewater from Demand Site A):

DS A --> WWTP --> DS B

Demand Site B must have a lower priority than the Demand Site A. Otherwise, no water will be reused. This is due to the fact that demand sites with higher priorities are processed first by the WEAP allocation algorithm. Therefore, a higher priority receiving demand site would not receive any wastewater from the supplying demand site because the supplying demand site has not yet received any water nor returned any wastewater by the time the receiving demand site is processed.

See http://www.weap21.org/webhelp/index.html#Supply_Priority,_Demand_Preferences_and_Allocation_Order.htm for more information.

Dr. Mehdi Mirzaee

Subject: Re: Tranmission link from wwtp not supplyin demand site   
Posted: 7/10/2012 Viewed: 25376 times
As Jack said, change priority, but have a general view to all of your priorities.
Mr. Mogamat Fadiel Ahjum

Subject: Re: Tranmission link from wwtp not supplyin demand site   
Posted: 7/12/2012 Viewed: 25359 times
Thank you kindly.

Jack's suggestion was the solution.

Topic "Tranmission link from wwtp not supplyin demand site"