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All Topics | Topic "Water Year Method"
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Mr. Imran Nazar

Subject: Water Year Method   
Posted: 4/6/2013 Viewed: 24740 times
How the precipitation is effected by Water Year Method ?

kind regards
Aumran Nazar

Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: Water Year Method   
Posted: 4/6/2013 Viewed: 24729 times
The Water Year Method is only used if you select Water Year Method as the method for calculating a river's headflow or a groundwater's recharge. It is not used for catchments. Therefore, catchment precipitation is NOT affected by the Water Year Method.

Mr. Imran Nazar

Subject: Re: Water Year Method   
Posted: 4/6/2013 Viewed: 24722 times
Dear Mr. jack

Thank you for quick responding , how can i enter the effect of climate change on the run off from catchment .

Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: Water Year Method   
Posted: 4/6/2013 Viewed: 24717 times
There are several different catchment methods, each of which have different climate parameters that affect runoff. Please see the User Guide for more information:


Mr. Imran Nazar

Subject: Re: Water Year Method   
Posted: 4/6/2013 Viewed: 24686 times
Yes Mr. jack I us Rainfall Runoff Method (Simplified Coefficient Method) and I want to enter the future predicted monthly precipitation on the catchment for several year and see how the runoff affected by it
Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: Water Year Method   
Posted: 4/7/2013 Viewed: 24685 times
In this case, it is your responsibility to define how preciptation will change in the future.

If you wanted to forecast future precipitation using a method like the Water Year Method, you could do it with a simple expression. Here is an example of a scenario expression that will multiply the Current Acounts monthly values (presumably an average water year) by a value representing the Water Year -- less than 1 for a dry year, greater than 1 for a wet year:

CurrentAccountsValue * Interp(2011, 1.2, 2012, 0.7, 2013, 0.5, 2014, 1, 2015, 1.5, ...)

This says that 2011 was wet (120% of average), 2012 was dry (70% of average), 2013 was very dry (50% of average), etc.

Mr. Imran Nazar

Subject: Re: Water Year Method   
Posted: 4/7/2013 Viewed: 24654 times
Yes Mr. Jack it became clear for me now thank you very much

best regards Mr. Jack

Topic "Water Year Method"