Subject: About Data Hydrologyc Entry_WEAP Posted: 6/10/2013 Viewed: 25857 times
How can buildan table of temps(Celcius) for calculate Gradients?? So then aplicate the same process with precipitation gages?? Can help me somebody?
Israel Acosta
Dr. Devaraj de Condappa
Subject: Re: About Data Hydrologyc Entry_WEAP Posted: 6/11/2013 Viewed: 25820 times
Dear Israel,
If I understand well your question, you're wondering how to interpolate spatially punctual measurements, in your case Temp & Precip.
If you have a good enough set of measurements, Kriging is a good interpolation technique though more complicated. Otherwise the Inverse Distance Weighting can do a good job.
These interpolation functions are usually already builtin GIS software (e.g., GRASS, ArcGIS) so you would just need to prepare the measured data as vector layers that you could then interpolate to create your grid.
A last option, less preferable than interpolating yourself, could be to use already available international climate grids and possibly "calibrate" this international grid with your own measurements. These grids were indeed interpolated for the whole world hence the interpolation used may not be the best for your region, so better check and adjust if required. A popular example of international grid is the one from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) that you can download pre-processed spatially from
Hope it helps.
Kind regards,
Eng. Israel Acosta
Subject: Re: About Data Hydrologyc Entry_WEAP Posted: 6/11/2013 Viewed: 25811 times
Much thank you..for data and information. I'm review data and will aplicate this form, thanks Deva!