Subject: Water Year Method Posted: 2/25/2014 Viewed: 24482 times
I am trying to use water year method as a scenario. I inherited water year scenario from the reference scenario but the results for unmet demand
for all the demand sites are exactly the same as its parent scenario. In simple words, the water year method scenario is giving the
same results as its parent scenario with river head flows. These results should be different and not exactly the same. Am I missing something? Please guide.
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Water Year Method Posted: 4/23/2014 Viewed: 23856 times
Your issue could be that after you entered the data for the Water Year Method, you did not apply it to the river. Double check for your scenario by going to the Data View, Supply and Resources/River/[Your River]/Inflows and Outflows/Headflow. Don’t click any of the reaches tab, just click on the name of the river. In Headflow, make sure “Water Year Method” is displayed under “Get Values From” for your river. Also make sure that the correct scenario is displayed at the top of the screen. If you have further problems, update this thread.
Miss Anum Dar
Subject: Re: Water Year Method Posted: 5/2/2014 Viewed: 23807 times
Yes I have checked in the Data View, Supply and Resources/River/[Your River]/Inflows and Outflows/Headflow. In Headflow, “Water Year Method” is displayed under “Get Values From” for the river. Also the correct scenario is displayed at the top of the screen.
I am giving monthly values to the base year i.e. 2001 and using Water Year Method from 2002 to 2050 for forecast. The problem still exists.
Dr. Devaraj de Condappa
Subject: Re: Water Year Method Posted: 5/7/2014 Viewed: 23761 times
Dear Anum,
While you are in the Data view and looking at the headflow of your river, does the graph and its scale changes when you switch from the Reference to the Water Year scenarios?
If it doesn't, it means that the Water Year Method is not properly set. Make sure you entered all the parameters required in the section Hydrology > Water Year Method in the Data view.
Miss Anum Dar
Subject: Re: Water Year Method Posted: 5/8/2014 Viewed: 23747 times
The graph and scale both changes when I switch from Reference to the Water Year scenario. I am still trying to identify what is the problem.
Dr. Devaraj de Condappa
Subject: Re: Water Year Method Posted: 5/9/2014 Viewed: 23734 times
Hmmmm.... Below are questions that come to my mind (some of them might sound silly but prefer to ask)
If you have several rivers, did you set the Water Year method for all the rivers? (esp those supplying your demand)
Did you connect your demands to the river using a transmission link?
Is the flow in your transmission link (to the demand) restricted with a Maximum Flow? (eg canal capacity) If yes, it could be that the Maximum Flow is quite smaller than the river flow even in drier years so the unmet demand stays the same irrespective of the river flow.
The same above would apply if your demand is supplied through a diversion (ie with a small canal capacity).
It could be that there is no change due to the priority you set, esp if your demand has a low priority (eg whatever the river flow the demand get little water because it is low priority). See if changing the prioirity change something...