Subject: projection system Posted: 9/17/2014 Viewed: 18867 times
How can i change the projection system in WEAP?
My problem is when i add raster layer , i see it in preview but it doesn't visualized in the area after selecting "OK"
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: projection system Posted: 9/17/2014 Viewed: 18865 times
To use any raster image file in WEAP as a background on the map, you need a "world" file that georeferences the image. If you don't have a world file for your image, you can create one in any GIS package, such as ArcGIS. For a TIFF file, the world file would be the same name but with ".tfw" as the extension. For a .jpg file, it would have a .jgw extension)
To see an example, look in the _Maps\Tutorial subdirectory (within the WEAP Areas path) for the files Map.jpg and Map.jgw. These are used in the Tutorial, version "Data, Results and Formatting".