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All Topics | Topic "Cannot locate raster image in schematic view"
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Mr. Attie Swart

Subject: Cannot locate raster image in schematic view   
Posted: 10/29/2014 Viewed: 19474 times
The schematic view background layers does not provide enough information to set the area boundaries accurately for the project area (Kalgoorlie, Western Australia). We subsequently follow the WEAP help insrtuctions to import a raster image (which is not in the prefered WGS84 coordiante system:

"WEAP's preloaded global layers use the WGS84 projection (WGS84 files are sometimes referred to as "unprojected," because they are based directly on latitude and longitude.) If you want to add layers that use a projection different from WGS84, here is what you should do. (Note: you must do this BEFORE you add any WEAP objects, such as rivers or demand sites, because when you add them they will use the projection in effect, and will disappear when you change to using a different projection.) Add one of your layers. Remove all layers (such as the preloaded layers) that are in a different projection. Go to Set Area Boundaries and set the boundary using your new layer"

The background layers window does show that the image is loaded however I cannot find it using the set area boundaries function. Please help.
Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: Cannot locate raster image in schematic view   
Posted: 10/30/2014 Viewed: 19465 times
To use any raster image file in WEAP as a background on the map, you need a "world" file that georeferences the image. A world file is simply a 6-line text file that describes the size, location and rotation of an image file. For general information on world files, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_file

If you don't have a world file for your image, you can create one in any GIS package, such as ArcGIS. For a TIFF file, the world file would be the same name but with ".tfw" as the extension. For a .jpg file, it would have a .jgw extension.

To see an example, look in the _Maps\Tutorial subdirectory (within the WEAP Areas path) for the files Map.jpg and Map.jgw. These are used in the Tutorial, version "Data, Results and Formatting".

Topic "Cannot locate raster image in schematic view"