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All Topics | Topic "Is there same data will be used for current and reference accounts"
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Mr. Naveed Ahmed

Subject: Is there same data will be used for current and reference accounts   
Posted: 1/29/2015 Viewed: 19179 times
Hello Everyone
For the demand calculations, i want to made three scenarios in WEAP, I have selected 2012 as current account and last year of scenario 2013, i used one set of data for different parameters in current accounts 2012 and in reference accounts I have to use the same data used in 2012, am I right? and then have to inherent my scenarios from this reference account year.
please guide me.
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Is there same data will be used for current and reference accounts   
Posted: 2/4/2015 Viewed: 19110 times
Hi Naveed,

Your Current Accounts year will be just 2012. While you can certainly edit the Reference Scenario, I like to leave it the same as current accounts (or the same trends, like population growth), and implement serious system changes in other scenarios.

For instance, if I want to see the impact of a wastewater treatment plant, I would enter my data into Current Accounts for the whole system. Then, I would make another scenario, maybe called Wastewater Treatment Plant, and use that one to build my treatment plant. Then, I can compare the differences between the scenarios in the Results view. Note that in Results view, there is no option to view "Current Accounts" - that's why I suggest leaving "Reference" the same, and making changes in other scenarios.

Hope this helps.
Topic "Is there same data will be used for current and reference accounts"