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All Topics | Topic "Major New Version of WEAP"
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Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Major New Version of WEAP   
Posted: 8/5/2015 Viewed: 16163 times

A new version of WEAP is now available, with many new features and several bug fixes. It is recommended for all users to get the update. As always, this new version is backwards compatible with data sets developed in earlier versions of WEAP. New versions of the User Guide and Tutorial are also available.


Highlights include:

- IHA: Integration of The Nature Conservancy's Indictors of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA), to aid in understanding the ecological impacts of changes in streamflow.
- PGM: A more detailed method for catchment hydrology, the Plant Growth Method (PGM) simulates daily plant growth, water use, and crop yields as a function of CO2 concentration, season length variability, and temperature and water stress, based on the approach taken in the SWAT and EPIC models.
- Glaciers: Model growth and shrinkage of glaciers.
- River Flooding: A fraction of streamflow over a threshold can flood to a catchment.
- Linking Areas: Linking flows from one WEAP area to another.
- Faster: Calculations are much faster (100x in some cases) and more robust.
- Windows 10 compatible
- Numerous other improvements, optimizations and bug fixes.

See http://www.weap21.org/WhatsNew for a complete list of more than 100 changes.

If you have a problem with the automatic update, you can download the full installation from http://www.weap21.org/Download There is no need to uninstall your existing version first.

Jack Sieber
WEAP Developer
Stockholm Environment Institute
Topic "Major New Version of WEAP"