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All Topics | Topic "Runoff / Infiltration Ratio"
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Mr. Quoc Pham

Subject: Runoff / Infiltration Ratio   
Posted: 11/20/2015 Viewed: 16042 times
Dear WEAP users
I'm considering use Runoff / Infiltration ratio as a calibration parameter.
May someone tell me how to adjust runoff / infiltration ratio in WEAP data Schematic.
Thanks all !
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Runoff / Infiltration Ratio   
Posted: 11/20/2015 Viewed: 16031 times
Dear Quoc,

Which catchment methodology are you using, and where are entering data for a runoff/infiltration ratio?
Mr. Pham Quoc

Subject: Re: Runoff / Infiltration Ratio   
Posted: 11/20/2015 Viewed: 16016 times
Dear Stephanie
I used Runfall-Runoff model, I saw that follow this link, we can see "runoff fraction": Supply and resource \ runoff and infiltration and after that move to "from...", in tab inflow and outflow, we can see "runoff fraction", but I can not modify it, it default 100%. And I'm not sure "runoff fraction" is the same runoff/infiltration ratio. I just read "runoff/infiltration ratio" in some paper, they used it to calibrate model.

Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Runoff / Infiltration Ratio   
Posted: 11/24/2015 Viewed: 15927 times
Dear Pham,

There are two Rainfall Runoff methodologies in WEAP - simplified coefficient method, and soil moisture model. Which are you using?

Are you looking Infiltration/Runoff Flow in the results section? I'm not clear where you are seeing the language about "fraction." Can you explain?
Topic "Runoff / Infiltration Ratio"