Subject: PEST calibration - Objective function. Posted: 11/29/2015 Viewed: 15304 times
Hello WEAP users
Does any one know objective function of PEST?
And we can change objective function in PEST or not?
Or there are any auto-calibration program can linking with WEAP model.
Thanks !
Pham Quoc
Ms. Samaneh Mirzaei
Subject: Re: PEST calibration - Objective function. Posted: 11/30/2015 Viewed: 15280 times
Dear Pham
You can find the objective function of PEST in this link:
Mr. Pham Quoc
Subject: Re: PEST calibration - Objective function. Posted: 12/5/2015 Viewed: 15208 times
Thank so much Mirzaei !
It's very useful to me.