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All Topics | Topic "Operation optimization between irrigation and energy demands"
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Mr. Ömer Coşkun

Subject: Operation optimization between irrigation and energy demands   
Posted: 5/24/2016 Viewed: 13553 times
I'm a civil engineer at The General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works and master student at Erciyes University in Turkey. My thesis subject is catchment modelling and optimization on irrigation and energy demands using WEAP..I chose two scenario: current situation and full developman situation of projects at catchment..How can I do this optimization between irrigation and energy demands at WEAP?
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Operation optimization between irrigation and energy demands   
Posted: 5/24/2016 Viewed: 13542 times
Dear Omer,

WEAP relies on the user to input the political constraints of a system - meaning the priorities for energy production and irrigation supply. That's where the "demand priorities" come in. If you set all the priorities equal, WEAP will divide water sources between them equally (in terms of percent of demand). However, WEAP does not have an optimization tool - you will need to consider the relationships between various sectors and come up with a balance that best meets your system's needs.
Mr. Ömer Coşkun

Subject: Re: Operation optimization between irrigation and energy demands   
Posted: 5/25/2016 Viewed: 13506 times
Dear Stephanie, thank you for your interest..
I'm in trouble with this optimization subject..then I need to focus on scenarios priorities..
Topic "Operation optimization between irrigation and energy demands"