Subject: Set the priority for each zone of reservoir Posted: 7/12/2016 Viewed: 14958 times
Dear all,
Reservoir storage is divided into four zones including the flood-control zone, conservation zone, buffer zone and inactive zone.We can determine the priority for filling of the reservoir. As default, the priority of reservoir is set as the lowest priority (99). I would like to know whether can we set priority for each zone of reservoir (ie. Flood control zone has priority 99, conservation zone has priority 98, buffer zone priority 3, inactive zone priority 1).
If have no official way to do it, are there any tips to setup priority of reservoir for each zone as mentioned above.
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Set the priority for each zone of reservoir Posted: 7/13/2016 Viewed: 14951 times
Currently, you can only enter a priority for filling the conservation zone, but in the upcoming version of WEAP, which we hope to release this month, you will also be able to give a priority for filling the buffer zone. (WEAP already gives the highest priority to filling the inactive zone, and WEAP will not try to fill the flood control zone.)
Topic "Set the priority for each zone of reservoir"