Subject: estimation of future potential of river to abstract water. Posted: 3/9/2017 Viewed: 12276 times
My study area is getting normally 3000mm annual rainfall. But due to the higher slope of river, the entire water is easily discharged into sea. There are several water supply schemes and irrigation projects depending on the river. I have collected discharge of main river and its tributaries from three gauge stations.
My doubt is how to assess the potential of river so as to accommodate more water supply schemes and irrigation projects in future using WEAP?
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: estimation of future potential of river to abstract water. Posted: 3/9/2017 Viewed: 12238 times
Dear Siji,
Usually people build WEAP models to answer questions: is it a good idea to build a reservoir here, is there enough water irrigate if irrigation area is expanded? You can use WEAP to answer those questions. But WEAP cannot generate those questions for you - that is up to you as the modeler to decide. Perhaps do some research on your watershed - are there are any infrastructure projects under consideration? Is there a problem with water shortage? How does it manifest, and what could solve it? It is up to you to ask the questions, and then design WEAP to answer them.
Topic "estimation of future potential of river to abstract water."