Subject: Short video demonstrating how to automatically add climate data to your catchments, part 3 of 3. Posted: 9/27/2018 Viewed: 10580 times
Please watch this short video that shows how to automatically add climate data to your catchments.
WEAP's Catchment Delineation Mode can overlay gridded time-series climate data with your elevation bands to determine the climate for each elevation band. WEAP provides access to a "built-in" global historical gridded climate dataset, including data for temperature, precipitation and wind speed, at daily and monthly timesteps for 1948-2010, at a spatial resolution of 0.25 degrees (roughly 28 km). This global climate dataset was created by the Terrestrial Hydrology Research Group at Princeton University. It blends reanalysis data with observations. For more information, see You may choose to use this dataset, or link to your own dataset (in NetCDF format).
NOTE: Catchment delineation is only available in the new version of WEAP (2018.0 and later), which you can download from
Subject: Re: Short video demonstrating how to automatically add climate data to your catchments, part 3 of 3. Posted: 11/28/2019 Viewed: 9079 times
Hi Jack, Is there any way to use this if I added my catchments manually from ArcMap? Or how best do I go about it.
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Short video demonstrating how to automatically add climate data to your catchments, part 3 of 3. Posted: 11/28/2019 Viewed: 9078 times
Hi Annah,
No, at the moment there is no way to do this if you added your catchments manually. I hope to add this feature in 2020.
Best regards,
Topic "Short video demonstrating how to automatically add climate data to your catchments, part 3 of 3."