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All Topics | Topic "Reservoir Loss to Groundwater in a model link with MODFLOW"
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Mr. Ignacio Aguirre

Subject: Reservoir Loss to Groundwater in a model link with MODFLOW   
Posted: 12/4/2019 Viewed: 6446 times
Dear all:

We are working in a model which is link with MODFLOW (2000) and is well configured. And we have a big reservoir, and this element loss water to the groundwater.
Before link the models we could select the tab "Loss to Groundwater", but now, we receive this alert:

You cannot have an expression for "Loss to Groundwater" from a reservoir if you are linking to MODFLOW"

So, how we can model the reservoir flow to the aquifer?

Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: Reservoir Loss to Groundwater in a model link with MODFLOW   
Posted: 12/4/2019 Viewed: 6442 times
Yes, because WEAP does not currently have a method for specifying the MODFLOW groundwater cells linked to a reservoir, you must use a demand site to model reservoir loss to groundwater. Have the demand site withdraw from the reservoir the amount you have estimated would have been lost to seepage, and return 100% to the groundwater node. Link the demand site to the MODFLOW cells underlying the reservoir.

Mr. Ignacio Aguirre

Subject: Re: Reservoir Loss to Groundwater in a model link with MODFLOW   
Posted: 12/4/2019 Viewed: 6437 times
Thanks for the fast answer Jack.

This demand node will have 0% of consumption, right?

Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: Reservoir Loss to Groundwater in a model link with MODFLOW   
Posted: 12/4/2019 Viewed: 6436 times
Correct -- 0% consumption at the demand site.
Mr. Ignacio Aguirre

Subject: Re: Reservoir Loss to Groundwater in a model link with MODFLOW   
Posted: 12/4/2019 Viewed: 6433 times
Again, really thanks for the fast answer
Topic "Reservoir Loss to Groundwater in a model link with MODFLOW"