Subject: MABIA- High Unmet Demand Posted: 4/29/2020 Viewed: 7635 times
Can anyone help me getting out of this problem of High water demand. I am doing watershed management for study area of around 4100 square kilometres.
I am getting unusual unmet demand as 2 Billion cubic meter for a year. Water demand is very high in catchment node because of the crops.
Is that possible to have that much unmet demand in any study area?
If not then how can I reduce this high water demand?
Ms. Anne Hereford
Subject: Re: MABIA- High Unmet Demand Posted: 5/1/2020 Viewed: 7619 times
WEAP will distribute all available water supply to the demand sites based on their priority level as specified by the user. (Remember that instream Flow Requirements and reservoir storage are also considered "demand" by WEAP if they are specified.) As such, any amount of unmet demand is possible in your model. However, if that much unmet demand is not the reality in your basin, there are several points in the model that you could revisit.
Are there water transfers into your basin that you might not be considering in your model?
Have you tried changing the crop coefficient to better represent local evapotranspiration rates?
You might also check the units of your demand data and make sure that the time-step of demands are consistent with your model. (ie if you're running a monthly model and you have annual demand data, you'll need to make some adjustments).
Abhay Carpenter
Subject: Re: MABIA- High Unmet Demand Posted: 5/18/2020 Viewed: 7536 times
Thank you.
I have changed crop coefficient value but still demand in catchment is high due to crop irrigation requirement.
Soil moisture depletion for crops is more than readily available water (water stress condition for crops) but in actual it is not like that.
So, how can I reduce that soil moisture depletion? Currently I am using default irrigation schedule (irrigation trigger as RAW 100% and supply as depletion 100%).
Water demand of crop also varies with planting date of crop. So, how to decide perfect planting date?