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All Topics | Topic "Adding Local climatic data into automatic delineated catchment area"
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Mr. Abraham Fishatsion

Subject: Adding Local climatic data into automatic delineated catchment area   
Posted: 9/24/2020 Viewed: 6476 times
Dear friends,

Currently, I am using WEAP in my thesis for water demand and supply trend analysis. During my automatic catchment delineation. I used the Prencton method and global climate data (I used the catchment category and climate tabs: precipitation, temperature, and wind speed).

However, I have local station records of rainfall, temperature wind speed, and streamflow data. However, except for the streamflow, I am not able to accommodate these data. It is because of not able to be seen the climate tab ( in the Data view/ catchment category: climate, tabs: precipitation, temperature, humidity, wind speed).

would you please help me where can I get or load the climate branch or any other solution.

Best regards

Mr. Abraham Fishatsion

Subject: Re: Adding Local climatic data into automatic delineated catchment area   
Posted: 9/26/2020 Viewed: 6462 times
Dear friends,

Thanks, I have solved my problem as it is found in the Tree menu through the +add tab for the catchment.

Best regards

Topic "Adding Local climatic data into automatic delineated catchment area"