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All Topics | Topic "WEAP Calibration and Ensamble with R Tool (Moncada, 2020)"
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Ms. Gabriela Gallardo

Subject: WEAP Calibration and Ensamble with R Tool (Moncada, 2020)   
Posted: 7/22/2021 Viewed: 16981 times
Greetings dear forum members, I am unable to download the "WEAP Calibration and Assembly with R Tool (Moncada, 2020)" which serves to provide WEAP model developers with an automatic tool to help calibrate a WEAP model and/or run an assembly. This link does not work for me, if you could please help me. Thank you very much.


Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: WEAP Calibration and Ensamble with R Tool (Moncada, 2020)   
Posted: 7/23/2021 Viewed: 16977 times
I think you can find it here:


Ms. Gabriela Gallardo

Subject: Re: WEAP Calibration and Ensamble with R Tool (Moncada, 2020)   
Posted: 7/26/2021 Viewed: 16957 times
Thank you Mr. Jack. Excuse me, maybe you know of a manual to use the program: "WEAP Calibration and Ensamble with R Tool"?.
It would help me a lot.
Eng. Angelica Maria Moncada Aguirre

Subject: Re: WEAP Calibration and Ensamble with R Tool (Moncada, 2020)   
Posted: 7/27/2021 Viewed: 16949 times

I designed the tool in such a way that you do not need any additional documents. The instructions are within each tab. You need to read the text carefully. In addition, template files are provided in Github.

Ms. Evelyn Guevara

Subject: Re: WEAP Calibration and Ensamble with R Tool (Moncada, 2020)   
Posted: 8/20/2021 Viewed: 16832 times
I developed a simple manual to use the program, it's very detailed but it's in Spanish.
Ms. Gabriela Gallardo

Subject: Re: WEAP Calibration and Ensamble with R Tool (Moncada, 2020)   
Posted: 8/20/2021 Viewed: 16819 times

thank you, could you please share your manual to me?
I am from Ecuador, my native language is spanish
it would help me a lot!!

Ms. Evelyn Guevara

Subject: Re: WEAP Calibration and Ensamble with R Tool (Moncada, 2020)   
Posted: 8/24/2021 Viewed: 16797 times
I just sent it to the e-mail you registered in the WEAP Forum with. Hope you find it helpful.
Dr. Hector Sanvicente-Sanchez

Subject: Re: WEAP Calibration and Ensamble with R Tool (Moncada, 2020)   
Posted: 9/28/2021 Viewed: 16641 times
Dear Ms. Evelyn Guevara,

It is possible that could you send me your simple manual to install and use the WEAP Calibration and Ensamble with R Tool (Moncada, 2020), like Ms. Gabriela Gallardo?. I am developing a model for the Apatlaco river which is located in Morelos state, México and I want to use the WEAP Calibration and Ensamble With R Tool to help me.

Ms. Evelyn Guevara

Subject: Re: WEAP Calibration and Ensamble with R Tool (Moncada, 2020)   
Posted: 9/28/2021 Viewed: 16631 times
Dr. Hector Sanvicente-Sanchez,
I just sent it to the e-mail registered on your WEAP Forum profile. Hope it helps.
Dr. Hector Sanvicente-Sanchez

Subject: Re: WEAP Calibration and Ensamble with R Tool (Moncada, 2020)   
Posted: 9/28/2021 Viewed: 16625 times
Dear Eng. Evelyn Guevara,

I have recived it, thanks a lot.
Ms. Gabriela Gallardo

Subject: Re: WEAP Calibration and Ensamble with R Tool (Moncada, 2020)   
Posted: 10/4/2021 Viewed: 16601 times
Greetings dear forum members.

During the calibration process of my model, in the step that consists in selecting these options: "Advance/Scripting/Run/AreaScripts/ScriptWEAPKeyGaugeBranches.vbs"
I get the following error:
"Error: Object does not accept this property or method: WEAP.AreaActiveDirectory".
If you could please help me to solve this problem, it would help me a lot to continue with the calibration process, thank you very much.

Eng. Icaro Yuri Pereira Dias

Subject: Re: WEAP Calibration and Ensamble with R Tool (Moncada, 2020)   
Posted: 11/10/2021 Viewed: 16316 times
Dear Ms. Evelyn Guevara,

I'm also developing a model using WEAP (in Brazil), and now I'm trying to calibrate and validate this one. Please, could you send me your simple manual to my e-mail? It will be so helpful for me.

Thank you so much!

Mr. Reiven Calle

Subject: Re: WEAP Calibration and Ensamble with R Tool (Moncada, 2020)   
Posted: 11/23/2021 Viewed: 16237 times
Dear Ms. Evelyn Guevara,

Could you send me your simple manual ''WEAP Calibration and Ensamble with R Tool'' to my WEAP forum-profile email please? I am trying to calibrate and validate my model.

Ms. Gabriela Gallardo

Subject: Re: WEAP Calibration and Ensamble with R Tool (Moncada, 2020)   
Posted: 11/27/2021 Viewed: 16201 times
Greetings dear forum members.

During the calibration process of my model, when I run the app y have this problem:

*Error in install.packages : object 'RDCOMClient' not found
Error in library(RDCOMClient) : there is no package called ‘RDCOMClient’*
I don´t know what to do.
If you could please help me to solve this problem, it would help me a lot to continue with the calibration process, thank you very much.
Dr. Arthur Calegario

Subject: Re: WEAP Calibration and Ensamble with R Tool (Moncada, 2020)   
Posted: 12/15/2021 Viewed: 16093 times
Dear Gabriella!

You need to install 'RDOMClient' package on R.

Download .zip file on 'https://github.com/ammoncadaa/WEAP_Calibration_and_Ensamble_with_R_Tool'

unzip it and open on R the script 'app.R'

Press Control + A (select all) and Control + Enter (it will run selecte lines)

It will take a time. After that, you will see an interactive panel (shiny app).

'RDOMClient' will be installed during the process.

Well, I don't if it's the better way to open the app, but works.

Inside the 'unzipped' folder there is a Weap model which helps to understand this app and inputs.

Hope it helps a little.

Gabriela, can you share with me the 'tutorial' made available by Ms. Evelyn Guevara.


Dr. Arthur Calegario

Subject: Re: WEAP Calibration and Ensamble with R Tool (Moncada, 2020)   
Posted: 12/16/2021 Viewed: 16077 times
Another to open shiny app.


But i had this errors:

Listening on
Warning: Error in setwd: cannot change working directory
97: setwd
96: renderText [C:\Users\PROJETO RENOVA\Documents\WEAP Areas\WEAP_Calibration_and_Ensamble_with_R_Tool-master/app.R#785]
95: func
82: renderFunc
81: output$textWD_results
1: runApp


Dr. Arthur Calegario

Subject: Re: WEAP Calibration and Ensamble with R Tool (Moncada, 2020)   
Posted: 4/13/2022 Viewed: 15189 times
Moncada, 2020 was constructed with R 4.0.2 version.

RCOM server have some problens with new R versions.

https://github.com/omegahat/RDCOMClient/issues/24 looks that can fix it.

Eng. Adrian Silva

Subject: Re: WEAP Calibration and Ensamble with R Tool (Moncada, 2020)   
Posted: 5/2/2022 Viewed: 14995 times
Dear Ms. Evelyn Guevara,

It is possible that could you send me your manual to install and use the WEAP Calibration and Ensamble with R Tool (Moncada, 2020), like Ms. Gabriela Gallardo, please?. I need to use the WEAP Calibration and Ensamble With R Tool.


Eng. Omar Olivera

Subject: Re: WEAP Calibration and Ensamble with R Tool (Moncada, 2020)   
Posted: 5/19/2022 Viewed: 14804 times
Hello, Dear Ing. Evelyn Guevara,

please if you could share your manual to calibrate my model here on the slope of Titicaca - Puno Peru, it would help me a lot!
Eng. Angelica Maria Moncada Aguirre

Subject: Re: WEAP Calibration and Ensamble with R Tool (Moncada, 2020)   
Posted: 6/10/2022 Viewed: 14604 times
New version. Please update the tool. Version 3.0 is faster and easier. Some processes were automated.


Isabela Suaza Sierra

Subject: Re: WEAP Calibration and Ensamble with R Tool (Moncada, 2020)   
Posted: 11/7/2022 Viewed: 9543 times
Dear Ms. Evelyn Guevara,

It is possible that could you send me your simple manual to install and use the WEAP Calibration and Ensamble with R Tool (Moncada, 2020) which it's very detailed and it's in Spanish?

Thank you so much!

Mr. Kaushal Chapagain

Subject: Re: WEAP Calibration and Ensamble with R Tool (Moncada, 2020)   
Posted: 4/16/2023 Viewed: 8484 times
Dear Ms. Evelyn Guevara,

It is possible if you could share your manual to calibrate my model? It would help me a lot!
Mr. Doug Chalmers

Subject: Re: WEAP Calibration and Ensamble with R Tool (Moncada, 2020)   
Posted: 2/5/2025 Viewed: 48 times
For those still looking for more information on the Model Inspector Tool, please watch the YouTube video lesson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Notx1vfeRCk&list=PLoJ3pxCzMP1uQRaimYV-wxJRRuIMNzdVU&index=17.

To download the tool, please see the link in the Description of the video.
Topic "WEAP Calibration and Ensamble with R Tool (Moncada, 2020)"