Subject: Model establishment and calibration Posted: 9/26/2021 Viewed: 5111 times
I established the current base year using WEAP, but the calculated result is very different from the actual ones. I'm not sure whether it's because some windows don't have input. What are the required items when creating the model, and how can I adjust the model?
Mr. Doug Chalmers
Subject: Re: Model establishment and calibration Posted: 2/5/2025 Viewed: 16 times
For those interested in building a model-
You should think about "where does the water come from?" and "where does the water go?" The different objects in WEAP, rivers, demands, reservoirs, groundwater, catchments, and flow requirements, summarize the basic components needed for a water balance model in a watershed. Calibration and validation would involve comparing modeled vs. observed streamflow as well as modeled vs. expected supply delivered.