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All Topics | Topic "Flow Requirement Node"
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Mr. Nalain E Muhammad

Subject: Flow Requirement Node   
Posted: 7/2/2022 Viewed: 4069 times
Hope you are all well
Dear Researchers,
In Pakistan, a supply-based system is adopted rather than a demand-based one.
i.e we feed water into the canal when we have sufficient water, not on the requirements of crops. To avoid this issue and make the supply-based model I put a flow requirement node on the diversion (model as a canal) By this, no change takes place i.e diversion pulls water as much as it needs to the agriculture fields (demand-site) i.e it pulls all the river water
basically, we provide water to other canals located on the downstream side,
with no shortage of water for crops and 100 % coverage. Although in Pakistan 40 to 50 % of crop water requirements are fulfilled by groundwater.

So in this situation what can I do?
Ms. Anne Hereford

Subject: Re: Flow Requirement Node   
Posted: 8/11/2022 Viewed: 3729 times
Dear Nalain,
Since the flow requirement is a minimum value, it won't affect the amount diverted as long as there is enough water in the system to meet other demands.
Two questions for you:
1) Have you set the Fraction Diverted (Inflows and Outflows section) for your diversion? This allows you to enter the water diverted from the river as a percentage of river flow, without regard for downstream demand.
2) Do you have the groundwater node set up in your model to supply the crops?

Topic "Flow Requirement Node"