Subject: Crop Yield under Future Climate Scenario using MABIA method Posted: 2/7/2023 Viewed: 3689 times
Hi, I have projected daily maximum and minimum temperature and precipitation from 2020-2100. I also have a set of observed crop yield data. I am wondering to know that how to use future climate and historical yield data to derive future crop yield in WEAP?
Mr. Hiren Chavda
Subject: Re: Crop Yield under Future Climate Scenario using MABIA method Posted: 4/30/2023 Viewed: 3220 times
Working for the same thing. Have you get any solution or idea for how to predict future yield ?
Mr. Doug Chalmers
Subject: Re: Crop Yield under Future Climate Scenario using MABIA method Posted: 2/5/2025 Viewed: 22 times
To those looking to model crop yield under climate change-
First enter your historical climate inputs and calibrate your historical crop yields to the observed crop yield values. Then, for your climate change scenarios, you can enter your future climate data and land use to observe the effect on future yields.
Below contains more info on inputting future climate data into WEAP:
If you created your catchment objects using automatic catchment delineation, then you can enter into Schematic --> Catchment Delineation Mode, select Load Climate Data and you can select CMIP6 scenarios, which include a variety of climate change models out through 2100. You also have the option to use a NetCDF file instead. You can see that in the Data screen, several climate variables, specified in the Select Climate Data Source from the previous step, have ReadFromFile expressions which reach in the CMIP6 data. You can save these expressions to load different climate projections in different WEAP scenarios. This thread has some useful explanations:
If you created your catchment objects manually, then you can either create climate input series using the above method, or by entering in a ReadFromFile expression into your catchments using data you have already saved into a CSV time-series.
Topic "Crop Yield under Future Climate Scenario using MABIA method"